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Hotel Soap Dispenser vs. Single Use

Apr. 29, 2024

Hotel Soap Dispenser vs. Single Use

Hotels these days are all about the environment, which means they’re physical environment, reduction in cost, and creating a bigger green footprint for themselves. One of the green initiatives is the amenity packets in your hotel room. The soap, body wash, shampoo, and conditioner in your hotel or resort showers or bathrooms are the topic of this article. I will shed some light on the classic product line but also to the newest ideas like the dispenser option.

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As we all know, if you check into your hotel of choice and move into your favorite room, you will have an assembly of bathroom amenities at your disposal. So the question to and from a customer perspective is: would you like to use the more traditional 1-ounce individual packed soap bars, conditioner, and shampoo bottles, or would you prefer to use a dispenser unit mounted in the bathtub/shower area?

As a frequent hotel room user and General Manager, I personally do not like the dispenser option, and this just from a personal use perspective.A couple of years back, I stayed at DreamMore Resort and Spa, which is one of Dolly Parton’s resort in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. The room and the layout were absolutely great, but as I entered the room and was ready to use the shower, I encountered a dispenser option on the wall. Please don’t get me wrong, it was well cleaned and looked absolutely nice but it gave me the feeling of someone having used the product before me. As I said, it is a personal preference.

Let’s look at the pros and cons of the two product options-

I used average pricing from the American website so that it is fair to compare both product options. Also, let’s use a standard studio hotel room with one bathroom, including one bathtub with a shower option. Yes, we all know we as resort and hotel operators have better pricing than what is displayed on the website but it just to keep it easier and comparable. I already know that this will cost me five comments below my blog, but let’s see what the outcome of the comparison is- classic soap versus dispense out option; looking at it from a cost and operational perspective.

So for our studio in the classic option, we would need to have two soap bars, one for the sink and one for the counter in the bathtub. Also, for the shower, we will provide one shampoo, one conditioner, and one body wash bottle next to the shower. All of the items are holding one-ounce weight each. All counted items together would be five total, not reusable items.

The cost perspective for that classic soap and shampoo kit would come around $1.80. The soap bar is an average of $.25. The conditioner $.40 and the body wash and shampoo $.45.

All of the items cannot be reused after they have been opened. At checkout, the resort would throw the open bottles in the trash or would have a recycling program in place like Clean the World. However, this recycling program is not free. It would also be accumulating additional expenses in someone’s expense account.

Now to the dispenser option-

So for our studio room, we need to have two dispensers- one for the soap bar next to the sink (single unit) and a four-set dispenser unit for the shower. The first big expense comes with the purchase of the dispenser units. The units are ranking between $40 and up to $150 based on the preference and taste of the GM.

The average soap containers are coming in 3 liters or 101-ounce containers. The cost for the shower gel/ shampoo and soap sits at $.83 per ounce. The conditioner comes in at $1.05 per ounce. In addition, the upkeep and the repair of the units. The additional cost for the repair is $6.00 to replace the pump system inside the dispenser unit. Furthermore, upon installation of the dispenser unit, you need to drill or use double-sided tape to install the dispensers to the designated area.

"Conclusion of the first look, the dispenser product line is more expensive, but in reality, it is cheaper than the classic one in the long run due to the fact you would not use more than 1-3 pumps per amenity to complete your shower experience. One pump of the dispenser would equal .25 ounces per interval, so that is a significant cost controlling benefit. Furthermore, the guest won’t have the chance to see the amenities like a free gift by checkout."


Tommy Draves

Soap vs. Shampoo Bar vs. Liquid Shampoo

As con­sumers be­come more en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly-con­scious, they're seek­ing out al­ter­na­tives to plas­tic-pack­aged prod­ucts for their per­son­al care. As a re­sult, a big shift is hap­pen­ing in hair­care. Peo­ple are re­con­sid­er­ing tra­di­tion­al liq­uid sham­poos and the pol­lut­ing big plas­tic bot­tles they're sold in. They are ex­plor­ing pos­si­bly more eco-friend­ly op­tions like soap and sham­poo bars. But which method is ac­tu­al­ly best for your hair? Let's ex­plore the sim­i­lar­i­ties and dif­fer­ences be­tween soap, sham­poo bars, and liq­uid sham­poos.

Form Fac­tor

The main dif­fer­ence be­tween soap, sham­poo bars, and liq­uid sham­poos is the form in which they come. Al­though soap can re­fer to dif­fer­ent prod­ucts, peo­ple most of­ten use "soap" to mean a sol­id block of long-last­ing soap that, in the­o­ry, could be used for both body and hair. A big change hap­pened in the 1930s when Hans Schwarzkopf came up with the idea of mix­ing sham­poo pow­der with wa­ter. He wasn't the only one, as John Breck cre­at­ed a sim­i­lar prod­uct in the form of liq­uid sham­poo in North Amer­i­ca around the same time. The fu­ture for sham­poo was set for the next decades to come: a big bot­tle where sham­poo­ing and con­di­tion­ing agents could be di­lut­ed in wa­ter for con­ve­nience and big­ger prof­its.

But then, it came the cli­mate cri­sis and peo­ple start­ed to won­der if liq­uid sham­poos and big bot­tle of plas­tic was the best op­tion for one's hair. The an­swer came in the form of sham­poo bars, with a sim­i­lar form fac­tor to soap and all the ben­e­fits of sa­lon-grade liq­uid sham­poos.

In­gre­di­ents, form fac­tor, and method of use dif­fer in all three cas­es, but choos­ing the right op­tion shouldn't be just down to con­ve­nience. Each prod­uct has its pros and cons when it comes to con­sid­er­ing hair types and en­vi­ron­men­tal im­pact.


Us­ing soap to wash your hair may seem like a sim­ple, in­ex­pen­sive op­tion. Not only that, a bar of soap can last a long time and is very en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly when it sold in plas­tic-free pack­ag­ing. How­ev­er, there's more to soap than meets the eye.

Soap is a cleans­ing agent made from a com­bi­na­tion of fats and an al­ka­li, such as sodi­um hy­drox­ide. What we hold in our hands is the re­sult of a saponi­fi­ca­tion process and chem­i­cal re­ac­tions that re­sults in an al­ka­line prod­uct and pH lev­el of more than 7. Most, if not all, soaps are not pH bal­anced and as a re­sult may be very harsh to use for hair and beards. In­deed, many der­ma­tol­o­gists would not rec­om­mend­ soap for use on the hair and scalp be­cause it can strip hair of its nat­ur­al oils and cause dry­ness and ir­ri­ta­tion.

Tra­di­tion­al Liq­uid Sham­poo: Its Ad­van­tages and Dis­ad­van­tages

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If soap is not that good for your hair, beard and scalp, then no won­der why tra­di­tion­al sham­poos be­came the go-to op­tion at the show­er. Liq­uid sham­poos are the most com­mon type of sham­poo due to their con­ve­nience and va­ri­ety of of­fer­ing at su­per­mar­kets, phar­ma­cies, and drug stores. They come in a wide range of for­mu­la­tions de­signed for dif­fer­ent hair types and con­cerns, mak­ing it easy to find one that fits your spe­cif­ic needs. They’re made with var­i­ous in­gre­di­ents to clean the hair and scalp, in­clud­ing sur­fac­tants, oils, and fra­grances.

Also, tra­di­tion­al liq­uid sham­poos are more ef­fec­tive at lath­er­ing and re­mov­ing dirt and oils than soaps. They of­ten con­tain chem­i­cals like sul­phates that gen­er­ate that rich foam we all love, as well as a lux­u­ri­ous and sat­is­fy­ing show­er ex­pe­ri­ence. The prob­lem comes when one starts read­ing the small print and re­alis­es the chem­i­cals like sul­phates and parabens are de­rived from pe­tro­le­um and fos­sil fu­els. Not only, the ex­trac­tion of raw ma­te­ri­als in the form of fos­sil-fu­els is dam­ag­ing the en­vi­ron­ment, nu­mer­ous con­sumers have for long raised con­cerns about ad­verse re­ac­tion in their skin and hair.

In short, liq­uid sham­poos may con­tain syn­thet­ic in­gre­di­ents, fra­grances, and harsh chem­i­cals that can dry or ir­ri­tate hair and scalp. If you can't tell what's in­side the bot­tle, some­one is prob­a­bly hid­ing where the in­gre­di­ents came from too.

Sham­poo Bars

Sham­poo bars are sol­id items de­signed to be used in place of liq­uid sham­poos on wet hair. They are used dif­fer­ent­ly, but sham­poo bars have be­come in­creas­ing­ly pop­u­lar in re­cent years due to their many ben­e­fits. Just to name a few, sham­poo bars:

  • Are more sus­tain­able due to re­duced pack­ag­ing, and po­ten­tial­ly be­ing plas­tic-free. They are of­ten pack­aged in re­cy­clable ma­te­ri­als, and pro­duce less waste than liq­uid sham­poos.

  • Are much more con­ve­nient for tak­ing them away. A sham­poo bars fits per­fect­ly with­in a gym bag. And as a sol­id sham­poo for­mat, you can take them to an air­port with­out hav­ing to show them at the se­cu­ri­ty gate.

  • Typ­i­cal­ly con­tain few­er chem­i­cals and ad­di­tives, which can be ben­e­fi­cial for those with sen­si­tive scalps or al­ler­gies. If the bar is nat­ur­al and ve­g­an, then in­gre­di­ents will also be more en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly.

  • Can be a cost-ef­fec­tive op­tion as they last longer than tra­di­tion­al sham­poo bot­tles.

Be­cause of their sol­id for­mat, in­gre­di­ents tend to dif­fer from their liq­uid coun­ter­parts. Many sham­poo bars con­sist of es­sen­tial oils, kinds of but­ter, sur­fac­tants, and oth­er nat­ur­al in­gre­di­ents. The shift to nat­ur­al al­ter­na­tives doesn't mean they're a less ef­fec­tive op­tion, as the sol­id sham­poo mar­ket has evolved and ma­tured a lot in the past few years. Sham­poo bars now come in a va­ri­ety of for­mu­la­tions de­signed for dif­fer­ent hair types, mak­ing it eas­i­er to find one that fits your spe­cif­ic needs.

Hav­ing said all that, at Dis­rup­tor Lon­don, we have made ex­ten­sive cus­tomer re­search on why the adop­tion of sham­poo bars is slow­er than one might ex­pect from the amaz­ing ben­e­fits above. One of the rea­sons is that they may not be as ef­fec­tive at lath­er­ing. This hap­pens be­cause tra­di­tion­al liq­uid sham­poos would typ­i­cal­ly con­tain petro­chem­i­cals like sul­fates to cre­ate the rich foam con­sumers ex­pect. By shift­ing to nat­ur­al al­ter­na­tives, we all had to start from scratch in terms of for­mu­lat­ing the per­fect sham­poo.

Cus­tomers have also told us that the sham­poo bars they have tried in the past may be more dry­ing to the hair and scalp than liq­uid sham­poos. The lat­ter may in­clude some sil­i­cones and oth­er chem­i­cals that add that sen­sa­tion of soft­ness af­ter each wash. An old trick is to use ap­ple cider vine­gar af­ter each use if you're deal­ing with a dry, itchy scalp, but some con­sumers feel like this is very in­con­ve­nient.

Here at Dis­rup­tor Lon­don, we have spent more than two years in get­ting all those con­cerns right. The ben­e­fits that sham­poo bars of­fer over liq­uid sham­poos, let alone al­ka­line soaps, are too big to give them a miss. Sham­poo bars are the fu­ture of plan­et-pos­i­tive hair­care, and we want them to work.

We have for­mu­lat­ed bars like Bal­ance, which helps to main­tain a healthy mi­cro­bio­me, as well as Flake Free, for itchy and dry scalp, that lath­er eas­i­ly. We have cre­at­ed a unique for­mu­la with a dual-charge sur­fac­tant sys­tem that cre­ates a very rich, silky foam. All of our bars also con­tain very rich con­di­tion­ing in­gre­di­ents like pan­thenol and ker­atin. And all that, with­out com­pro­mis­ing on the en­vi­ron­men­tal as­pect and all the ben­e­fits we have learned to love about sham­poo bars.

How to Choose the Right Prod­uct?

We wouldn't rec­om­mend us­ing soap for your hair, giv­en their al­ka­line and dry­ing prop­er­ties. Liq­uid sham­poos and con­di­tion­ers are wide­ly avail­able, but they are also very pol­lut­ing and un­sus­tain­able for the plan­et.

Re­gard­less of which op­tion you end up go­ing for, first and fore­most, please con­sid­er your hair type and any spe­cif­ic con­cerns you may have. For ex­am­ple, if you have dam­aged hair or sen­si­tive skin, a gen­tle sham­poo bar like Calm may be the best op­tion as it will be kinder on your strands than a harsh liq­uid sham­poo. Like­wise, if you suf­fer from a con­gest­ed scalp, then some­thing like Detox would be ex­cel­lent for you, as it com­bines two types of ex­fo­li­at­ing mech­a­nisms with the cleans­ing prop­er­ties of up­cy­cled char­coal.

If you want to re­duce your en­vi­ron­men­tal im­pact, then opt­ing for sham­poo bars pack­aged in eco-friend­ly ma­te­ri­als may be more up your al­ley. If you find prod­ucts sold in a box, then look out for the FSC sym­bol to make sure the pa­per comes from sus­tain­able sources.

Not all sham­poo bars are cre­at­ed equal. While some man­u­fac­tur­ers are dis­guis­ing old soaps as in­no­v­a­tive sham­poo bars, oth­ers are us­ing for­mu­las that are not that con­ve­nient and ef­fi­cient. Take the time to re­search the dif­fer­ent op­tions avail­able and ex­per­i­ment with what works best for you per­son­al­ly. It may take some tri­al and er­ror, but find­ing the right prod­uct for your hair can make all the dif­fer­ence in achiev­ing healthy-look­ing locks.

Above all, you should al­ways choose prod­ucts made with your hair type and needs in mind. Also, pay at­ten­tion to the in­gre­di­ents list when shop­ping for hair­care prod­ucts. That way, you will know you’re us­ing good and ef­fec­tive prod­ucts.

As a rule of thumb, when shop­ping for a sham­poo bar, look out for:

  • Are they soap free?

  • Do they con­tain any petro­chem­i­cals like sul­fates or parabens?

  • Do they lath­er well and cre­ate a rich foam?

  • Do they con­tain con­di­tion­ing agents that are go­ing to take care of your hair, scalp, and skin?

If you find that a par­tic­u­lar brand doesn't an­swer all those ques­tions, then one may con­sid­er whether ac­count­abil­i­ty and trans­paren­cy is one of their val­ues. Ul­ti­mate­ly, con­sumers shouldn't have to bend over back­wards to de­cide what's best for them and the plan­et.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit shampoo conditioner body wash bottles supplier.


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