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How to Write a Blog Post: The 17-Step Ultimate Guide for ...

May. 13, 2024

How to Write a Blog Post: The 17-Step Ultimate Guide for ...

Writing a blog post is easy (it’s just like talking), but actually getting your content read or ranking high on Google requires work. Most people are not willing to put the time and effort into writing great content, so it’s your challenge as a writer to provide the unique insights that your audience needs.

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This article provides everything you need to know about writing a blog post, including the 17 key steps and some examples of great content.

We’ve come up with an easy process for making long-form blog posts that will help you make more money from your site, build trust in your brand, and increase traffic and conversions by giving readers what they want.

What is blogging?

Blog post writing is the process of creating content that is both useful and engaging for users, while also satisfying the demands of search engines. In order to do this, it’s important to understand how Google and other search engines rank content. You must use keyword research to target the right terms, write in a way that’s easy to understand and make sure your posts are properly formatted.

Blog posts can be a great way for you and your business to share insights, thoughts, and stories on your website. Blog posts are any article, news piece, or guide published in the blog section of a website.

They typically cover a specific topic or query, are educational in nature, and range from 500 to 2,000 or more words. Additionally, blog posts allow you to rank for long-tail keywords on Google, which can help drive traffic to your website.

Skills that come in handy for writing great content

Writing skills

In order to write great content, you need a deep understanding of the topic. Additionally, it is helpful to be able to write from a variety of angles in a clear and concise manner. Writing with passion and enthusiasm is also key. Finally, a good understanding of grammar and syntax is also important.

Research skills

To write successful blog posts, you need to have good research skills. This means being able to find the right information, analyze it, and synthesize it into a cohesive argument or story. Research skills will help you not only find good topics for your blog posts but also provide you with the evidence and arguments you need to back up your points.

The best way to approach the research for content writing is to choose authoritative sources. These can include official associations, government websites, heavily cited research papers, and preeminent industry experts. When you select your sources, question everything.

This means approaching the information with the practiced skepticism of a journalist. Only by critically evaluating your sources can you ensure that your content is accurate and informative.

Organizational skills

Good organization is essential to writing successful blog posts. This means having a system for tracking your progress and keeping track of your ideas, as well as a system for revision and feedback. It’s also important to have a system for tracking your readership, like Google Analytics, so you can see what content is most popular and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Organizational skills are important for writing great content because they help you keep track of ideas, plan ahead, and stay on schedule. Having a system in place helps ensure that all the necessary steps are taken in order to produce quality content on a regular basis.

Time management skills

To write quality blog posts at scale, you need good time management skills. This includes setting goals and milestones and being able to stick to a consistent writing schedule. You also need to be organized so that you can work on multiple projects at the same time and prioritize them according to their importance.

Assuming you have a blog or website, one of the most important things to do is manage your time while writing content. You can start by estimating how much time you have available for writing.

Then, based on that estimate, find a content management system (CMS) that will save you time. For example, if you only have an hour per week to write blog posts, look for a CMS that allows you to quickly and easily add content to your site. This will help ensure that your content is well-formed and easy to read.

Editing and proofreading skills

Editing and proofreading skills are important content writing skills for anyone who wants to write great content. By taking the time to edit and proofread your work before publishing, you can ensure that there are no mistakes and that your writing is clear and easy to read.

Proper grammar and word choice are also important. There are some content writing checkers like Grammarly, Hemingway, and QuillBot that can help you in this regard.

Search engine optimization or SEO skills

To write great content that is properly optimized for search engine rankings, understanding keyword research and the use of related keywords is important.

Additionally, remember the importance of header tags when writing titles and meta descriptions. By using these SEO skills when writing content, your chances of ranking well in search engines will increase.

How to prepare to start writing your first post

Choose a niche and select a domain for your blog

When starting a blog, it’s important to choose a niche and select a domain that is closely related to that chosen topic. This will help you stay on top of your game and become the go-to source for information in that particular area.

Additionally, it’s important to research the market before starting your blog. This means understanding what potential visitors to your website may be looking for and then conducting market research to paint a picture of those visitors.

Examples of blog niches you can look into are:

  • Cycling
  • Camping
  • Parenting
  • Knitting
  • Hunting

Here’s a helpful video on how to choose a niche for your next blog:

Study reader personas to ensure what you write is relevant

If you want to ensure that the content you’re writing is relevant to your audience, it’s important to study reader personas. This involves understanding who your target reader is, what their interests and assumptions are, and what questions they’re asking.

One way to learn about your target reader is to look at other blogs in your field and see who they seem to be targeting. Another way is to use online forums to find the main questions asked by your audience, or visit Facebook groups to read what topics they like or talk about.

By understanding your target reader, you can make sure that the content is relevant and interesting to them.

Keyword research and a 3-month writing plan

Before you start writing your first blog post, do some keyword research. This will help you determine which topics are popular with your audience and which keywords offer the best opportunities.

To do this research, you can use a variety of tools, including Google AdWords Keyword Planner and Google Trends. Once you have a list of potential keywords, you can prioritize them based on metrics like search volume and competition level using Outranking Strategist.

Install and set up your WordPress blog

WordPress is a popular blog platform that is easy to use if you are a beginner. To install and set up a WordPress blog, you will need to choose a hosting platform and then follow the instructions to install and set up your WordPress blog.

If you choose to use, you can create a free account and then create your blog on their hosting service.

Alternatively, if you choose to use, you need to download the software and then install it on your own web server. Once you have installed WordPress, you can follow the instructions on their website to set up your blog.

Here is a step-by-step video guide on how to set up WordPress for your new blogging career:

Formats for different types of blog posts

1. List-type blog posts

A blog post set up as a list is popularly called a “listicle.” These are highly informative content presented in a list form. When writing a list-type blog post, it’s important to start with an introduction that sets the scene and gives readers a sense of what the list will cover. You can then use bulleted lists to structure your content. This helps to keep your readers engaged.

Images and infographics are also great ways to break up your text and add visual interest. Be sure to use keywords throughout your post to help it succeed with the keywords you want it to rank for.

Here’s a list-type blog post from Lifehacker:

2. “How-to” blog posts

A “how-to” blog post is usually professional and informative. When writing such posts, you can include industry-related news and information that would be relevant to your target audience. Be careful not to promote your company too much; instead, focus on providing valuable content that will help build trust with potential customers.

When creating content for a technical blog, the information needs to be accurate and easy to understand. Posts should be well-researched and well-written in order to avoid confusing readers. Be sure to use clear and concise language, as well as helpful visuals when appropriate.

A typical example of a blog with tons of how-to posts is Tech Savvy Mama.

3. “What is” blog posts

“What is” posts are perfect for introducing a new concept to a beginner audience. They should be clear, concise, and easy to read. One best practice for “what is” posts is to include a call-to-action for more in-depth, intermediate content at the end. This will help you hook your readers and keep them coming back for more.

Example of “what is” posts includes:

4. Comparison blog posts

After writing a review post, follow it up with a comparison post to provide more value to your readers. A comparison post is where you compare and contrast two or more items.

Presenting different alternatives can help your readers make a decision, so including an infographic or table is often helpful.

You can also mix up the two formats, such as in the article Copywriting vs. Content Writing. Here’s an example of an article that uses an infographic: The Best AI SEO Content Tool. This type of post is visually appealing and easy to digest, making it a great choice for readers who want information quickly.

Here is how to use the latest version of Outranking to create a product comparison post:

5. Product review blog posts

Product review blog posts can attract traffic to your website, as long as you put in the effort. If you’ve recently purchased a new product, consider taking the time to write an in-depth review. Not only will this help your audience, but it can also help you improve your writing skills. To see an example of a good product review article, check out the Big Boss Air Fryer Review by Chefiit.

6. Lifestyle blog posts

Lifestyle blog posts allow you to share your experiences and connect with your readers. When writing a lifestyle blog post, be sure to start with a topic that is personal to you. Write about your experiences and what you love. Include photos, videos, and graphics that illustrate your points and feelings.

Use your blog to share tips and advice on topics that are important to you. Be sure to connect with your readers on social media and other platforms. Check out Kay Buell for some lifestyle blog post ideas.

7. Pillar page-type blog posts

A pillar page covers all aspects of a topic on a single page. For example, check out this piece from It covers everything from the definition of AI to its various applications. It’s dense but well-written. Plus, there are plenty of links for further reading if you want to learn more.

To set up a pillar page-type blog post, follow these steps:

  1. Choose your topic. Make sure you select a topic that you are passionate about and have enough knowledge on.
  2. Do your research. Before writing your blog post, gather all the information you can on the topic. This will help make your blog post more comprehensive and informative.
  3. Organize your information. After gathering the information you need, start organizing it into a cohesive format. First, create an outline of what you want to cover in your blog post. Then, fill in each section with the relevant information from your research process.
  4. Proofread and edit your work before publishing it online for the world to see! Take the time to revise and polish your blog post so that it is error-free and reads well.

8. Complete guide-type blog posts

A complete guide-type blog post is a lengthy guide that covers a broad topic from several different angles. This type of blog post is written by an industry expert, thought leader, researcher, or authority in the niche. These complete guides are formatted in a way that makes it easy for readers to navigate and find the information they need.

An example of a complete guide blog post is this hiking guide from Veggie Vagabonds:

9. Thought leadership blog post

Thought leadership blog posts educate your audience about the latest news or trends in an industry. The goal of a thought leadership blog post is to establish the writer as an expert on the topic. A good example of a thought leadership blog is American Express:

To structure a thought leadership blog post, start by writing a thesis statement that captures the main point of the post. Next, provide a brief introduction to the topic and explain how the topic relates to your field. Finally, provide examples and case studies to support your argument.

The 17-step process for writing your first blog post

Step 1: Choose a long-tailed keyword with low volume from the initial research

Choose a long-tailed keyword with a low search volume from your initial research. This will help you find keywords that are not too competitive. Consider phrases with fewer than 3 words – these tend to be easier to rank for and can still be quite specific.

You may also want to consider keywords with a longer average word length; these are usually more specific and thus have less competition.

You can use keyword search tools like Semrush to get tons of long-tail keywords. All you need to do is put in your seed keywords and the tool will show tons of potential long-tail keywords.

Step 2: Check competition for that keyword using SERP analysis

To check how difficult it would be to rank on the first page of Google for a certain keyword, you can use the Outranking SERP Analysis Tool. Just enter the keyword you’re interested in and the tool shows you the pages that are currently ranking on the first page, along with useful data about each.

By comparing the SEO metrics of your own website with those of the ranking pages, you’ll get a better idea of what it would take to get to the top.

Step 3: Create a blog post title that aligns with the intent

In order to create a blog post title that accurately reflects your content, you must first understand the purpose of the article itself. What are you trying to communicate with your readers, and what are they asking for?

What information do you want to impart? As you research keywords related to the search intent, you can form clear goals for the article.

Use content research tools like Outranking AI SEO tool to identify relevant keywords for your topic. Include these in the title of your blog post to accurately reflect its content.

These keywords in your title also help with search engine optimization (SEO), making the page more likely to appear in search results when potential readers are looking for information on your topic.

Keep in mind that titles should be concise and easy to read; avoid cramming too many keywords into a single title, as this can make it difficult to understand and may turn off potential readers.

Instead, focus on creating a title that accurately reflects the content of your article while still being catchy and attention-grabbing.

Step 4: Identify the main theme of topics covered by competing webpages

To improve your own content, take a look at what your competitors are doing. See what keywords they are ranking for to get an idea of their general topics. Also, examine the structure of their headlines and titles to see what makes them effective. Finally, check out your target audience’s engagement with the competitor’s content to see what topics interest them most.

There are tools that can help you with this. We duly recommend the Outranking AI SEO tool for SERP analysis and Semrush for in-depth competitor analysis.

Step 5: Curate a comprehensive outline using those concepts, and add more insights

Creating a comprehensive outline for a blog post is an important step in the writing process. By organizing your thoughts and ideas into an outline, you can create a clear, concise, and informative blog post that is easy to follow.

To create a comprehensive outline for your blog post:

  1. Start by deciding on the topic and format of your blog.
  2. Create subheadings to serve as the backbone of your outline.
  3. Add bulleted notes to help formulate your main points.
  4. Add insights to provide additional information or context.

However, manually creating outlines can be time-consuming and produce sub-optimal results.

Learn how to use Outranking AI SEO contenting writing and optimization tool to create a SERP-based outline in minutes.

Step 6: Collect research for each blog section in your outline

To find good research sources, start by conducting a search on the internet. You can use regular search engines like Google or Bing, or you can try specialized sites like Google Scholar or PubMed. When you have your list of potential sources, take a look at the most popular ones to get an idea of what’s already out there on your topic.

Then, look for blog posts that are well-researched and provide valuable information – these are the kinds of posts you want to emulate in your own writing. Another great way to collect research is to talk to experts in the field. If you know someone knowledgeable about what you’re studying, ask them for their thoughts and insights.

Finally, don’t forget to make use of online resources like Quora, where you can get feedback from other people who have experience with the topic at hand.

You can save yourself a lot of time by using the Outranking AI to automate the whole process and create better content in record time.

Step 7: Write each section of your blog content manually, or generate the first draft using AI

If you’re a newbie, writing content from scratch is one way to start. However, if you want to continue blogging productively over time, using an AI writing tool might be the better option. Outranking is one such tool that produces content that’s nearly identical to that of a human writer.

Step 8: Write an introduction for your blog post

To learn how to write an introduction for a blog post manually:

  1. Do some research on your topic. This will help you better understand what you want to write and give you an idea of what other people are saying.
  2. Write a brief description of what your blog post is about. This should be under your title and give readers a general idea of the content they can expect to find.
  3. Start with an attention-grabbing opening sentence or paragraph. This is known as the “hook,” and it should make people want to continue reading your post.
  4. Introduce your topic in more detail. Include any relevant background information or definitions that might be helpful for readers who are not familiar with the topic.
  5. Outline the main points of your blog post. This will help keep you focused as you write, and it will also make it easier for readers to follow along with your argument or discussion points.

You can reduce your stress by using Outranking AI to craft great blog introductions with excellent copywriting. Here is a video on how this works:

Step 9: Add tons of images and examples to create the best blog post

Images and examples are important in blog posts because they help illustrate your main points. Instead of just breaking up the text, these can add value to the subject.

Pay extra attention to your featured image, as this will be the main visual below your blog’s title. This is also what readers often see when they browse your articles from your blog’s homepage.

Take a cue from this article – do you find the images helpful?

Step 10: Add internal and external links

When adding links to your blog post, be sure to add both internal links and external links. Internal links lead to other pages on your website, while external links point to relevant pages on other websites.

Adding internal and external links helps improve the overall quality of your blog post by providing readers with additional resources and information. It also helps improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) by increasing the number of inbound and outbound connections.

When adding internal links, make sure that you’re linking to relevant pages. For example, if you’re writing a blog post about barbecues, you could link to a page on your website that discusses barbecuing tips. This helps readers find additional information about the topic and also is useful for SEO.

For external links, link to relevant pages on other websites. Like internal links, these offer more information to readers and positively impact your SEO.

When you optimize your content using Outranking’s SEO content optimizer, you get actionable and easy suggestions on how to properly interlink your posts for better user experience and search visibility compared to what your competitors have.

Step 11: Add a summary meta description

A summary meta description is a brief description of the post that appears below the post’s title on Google’s search results pages. This can give potential readers a quick overview of what your post is about and why they should read it.

With a compelling meta description, you can help entice people to click through to your blog post from the search results page. Outranking AI has a framework that helps you write a better conclusion than most human writers.

Step 12: Write a conclusion with a call to action (CTA)

A call to action (CTA) is a statement or phrase that encourages a reader to take a specific, desired action. CTAs are commonly used in blog posts to encourage readers to subscribe to a newsletter, download a free guide, or sign up for a free trial.

When used effectively, CTAs can help convert website traffic into engagement and eventually profit. You can also use Outranking AI methods to craft a good conclusion with CTA for your blog posts.

In order to write an effective CTA for your blog post, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Keep it short and sweet – A CTA should be easy to read and understand in just a few seconds. Avoid using complicated language or jargon that will confuse readers.
  • Be specific – Your CTA should clearly state what you want readers to do. For example, “Download our free guide” is more effective than “Click here for more information.”
  • Use active language – Use persuasive language that urges readers to take action. For example, “Sign up now” is more effective than “You can sign up if you want.”
  • Offer something of value – Give readers an incentive to take the desired action by offering something of value such as a discount or exclusive content.
  • Test different CTAs – Try out different CTAs on your blog post and see which ones result in the most conversions.

By following these tips, your CTA will lead to engagement and eventually profit.

Step 13: Create a FAQ section by adding all relevant questions

A FAQ section in a blog post provides readers with additional information about the topic. The FAQ section is an important part of your blog because it makes it easy to find and establish yourself as a credible source.

Step 14: Optimize your content for search engines using optimization tools

You can use a variety of different tools to help optimize your content for better search engine visibility and organic traffic. Semantic and related keywords can help you understand the topic of your content in greater detail, and Google NLP can help you create content that meets the intent of your audience.

To make sure your content is comprehensive and covers all the relevant topics, you can use Outranking AI to optimize it for search. This will bring in qualified visitors without spending money on ads. Additionally, using the Outranking platform can give you insights into how Google is thinking about your content.

Step 15: Proofread and copy-edit your content

Proofreading and copy editing are important for several reasons. First, they can help avoid embarrassing grammar errors. Second, they can make your content more error-free and typos-free. Finally, they can help ensure that your content is easy to read and understand.

You can use writing checkers to help proofread and copy-edit your content before putting it out for publication. These tools will help you identify grammar mistakes, incorrect word usage, and more.

Step 16: Move the content to your CMS and publish it

There are a number of ways to publish your content once it is finalized. You can choose to publish it immediately, save it as a draft and publish later, or schedule it to be published automatically at a later time. Additionally, you can use a content management system (CMS) like WordPress to easily publish your content on your website.

You can also install outranking WordPress plugin that will automatically link your outranking account with your WordPress site so that you can track your rankings and progress more easily.

Step 17: Promote your content on social media and other channels

Once you have written your blog post, don’t forget to promote your content. This will help increase traffic to your site and improve your visibility online.

There are a number of ways you can promote your content on social media. You can share links to your posts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social networking sites. You can also use social media to drive traffic to your website or blog by sharing links to your content in forums, groups, and discussion boards.

In addition to social media, there are a number of other digital channels you can use to promote your content. These include email marketing, paid advertisement, and search engine optimization (SEO). By using a combination of these channels, you can reach a wide audience and maximize the visibility of your content.

BONUS: How to write a blog post quickly using Outranking

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to write a blog post, look no further than Outranking. This tool will help you cluster topics around the main focus, choose relevant keywords, and write in an easy-to-read style that is easy for readers to understand. Plus, Outranking’s tooltips and other helpful features will make the process even easier.

Common mistakes to avoid when writing blogs

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Not including a call to action

A call to action is a request for your readers to take some kind of action on your site. This can be anything from subscribing to your blog to making a purchase, or even just leaving a comment.

The best call to action is one that is compelling and benefits your readers. For example, if you are selling a product, your call to action should be something like “Buy now!” or “Get yours today.”

If you simply want more subscribers, your call to action could be “Subscribe now!” or “Enter your email address below.”

Make sure that your call to action stands out from the rest of your content so that readers know what they are supposed to do. You can use images, and buttons or even just highlight the text in a different color. As long as it is clear and easy to find, your call to action will be successful.

Not proofreading your work

Always proofread your work to avoid making mistakes that can be easily fixed. Typos and grammatical errors can make your work difficult to understand and can change the meaning of what you are trying to say. Having someone else check your work can help you catch these errors before they are published.

In addition to checking for typos and grammar, it is also important to check for flow and structure. Making sure that your work makes sense and is easy to read will help ensure that your readers understand your message.

Not promoting your blog

Not promoting your blog can lead to a number of negative consequences, such as decreased traffic and a decreased chance of success. However, promoting your blog can help increase traffic and success. Ways to promote your blog include using social media, guest posting, and email marketing.

Another way is to interact with other users on social media, starting conversations or commenting on their posts. You can also use Google AdWords to promote your blog post to targeted audiences. By doing these things, you will increase the visibility of your blog and attract more readers.

Not having a consistent voice

When you write blogs, it’s important to have a consistent voice. This means that all your blog posts should sound similar – they should have the same tone and style. If you switch up your voice every time you write a blog post, people will be confused and might not take you seriously.

If you’re wondering how to find and maintain a consistent voice in your writing, the first step is to decide on the overall tone of your blog. Do you want it to be personal, newsy, business-like, formal, or product oriented?

Once you’ve decided on the general tone, it will be easier to let your natural voice flow. Just relax and don’t let self-consciousness take over. If you keep these things in mind, you should be able to create and maintain the voice you want.

Not writing for your target audience

When you write content, it’s important to target your audience and ensure that the content is effective for them. If you don’t write for your target audience, your content may not be as effective as it could be. It’s important to avoid writing for your target audience if you want your content to be truly successful.

To make sure you are writing for your target audience, you need to first understand who your target audience is. Once you know who your target audience is, you can then write for their language and tone.

Additionally, write about topics that are of interest to your readers. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your writing will be well-received by your target audience.

Examples of blog posts

Travel blog example

Assuming you have a travel blog, to write a travel blog post,

  1. Write a great travel story that captures the reader’s attention.
  2. Include stunning Instagram-friendly photos to really capture the reader’s attention.
  3. Use helpful travel guides and tips to give the reader the best advice possible.
  4. Let the reader know about the amazing places you’ve been, and the amazing things you plan to do in the future

Here is an example of a travel blog post according to tourradar:

How-to blog example

How-to blog posts deal with instructions and guidelines on how to do stuff. Look at this post from freeCodeCamp to get an idea of what a ‘How to blog post looks like

If you want to start a “how to”blog, there are a few important things to keep in mind. First, choose an interesting and relevant topic.

You’ll need to write in a clear and concise style, and use rich media and images to enhance your content. Catchy titles and subtitles will also help draw in readers. Finally, promote your content with social media and other marketing channels.

Pillar page-type blog post example

A pillar blog post is an in-depth blog post that covers all aspects of a specific topic. They are 1,500 to 3,000 words long and are optimized for search. Pillar blog posts are published on a company blog and can help you attract more web traffic and leads and build more topical relevance.

This article on brand awareness by Typeform is a good example of a pillar page blog example.

List-type blog post example

People who are searching for “How to write a list type blog post” want quick and easy tips on how to improve their writing. By using a list format, you can provide them with the information they’re looking for in an easily digestible format.

Here’s a good example of a list-type blog post from to VirTasktic:

Lawyer blog post example

As a lawyer, you have a lot of knowledge and expertise that can be helpful to others. A blog helps you share this information with a wider audience.

When writing a blog post for lawyers, start with a clear and concise introduction. You should then dive into the main points of the article, providing helpful tips and resources for readers along the way.

It can also be helpful to use humor and empathy to connect with readers. After all, your goal is ultimately to help them in some way. Finally, make sure to include a call to action at the end of the post so that readers know what they can do next.

A good example of a lawyer blog post according to My Shingle:

A good guideline on writing a lawyer blog post according to Furia Rubel:

Thought leadership blog example

Thought leadership blog posts aim to get your name and your message out there. But what exactly is a thought leadership blog post? And how do you write one?

A thought leadership blog post is simply a blog post that showcases your expertise on a particular topic. It could be a how-to guide, an opinion piece, or even just an explanation of a certain concept. The key is to show that you know what you’re talking about and that you’re able to articulate your thoughts in a clear and concise manner.

We mentioned American Express above. Another solid example of a thought leadership blog is Tim Ferriss:

Here are some tips on how to write a thought leadership-type blog post:

  • Use expert advice as headings and keywords. This will help potential readers find your post more easily, and it will also show them that you know your stuff.
  • Write on a variety of outdoor living and activity-related topics. This will help broaden your appeal and reach more people with your message.
  • Include product suggestions within the blog post. This will show readers that you’re not just trying to sell them something, but that you actually believe in the products you’re suggesting.


In conclusion, writing a blog post that ranks high on Google is possible with the right approach. Keyword research is essential for choosing a topic with low competition, creating an outline from that research, writing each section manually or using Outranking AI to generate the first draft, researching the competition using SERP analysis and other tools, and curating a comprehensive outline based on those concepts and insights.

While this may seem like a lot of work, following these steps will help you create great content that your audience will love while also helping you rank higher on search engine results pages.


What is a blog?

A blog is a website or page that is part of a larger website. It typically features articles written in a conversational style with accompanying pictures or videos. The purpose of blogging is to share information and build an audience around a specific topic. An example of a blog is TechCrunch. A blog that provides technology and startup news.

How do I begin writing blog content?

There are a few key steps you need to take in order to write successful blog content. The first is brainstorming topics and doing some keyword research to make sure that your topic is something people are searching for.

You’ll also want to define your audience and create an outline that will help keep your content organized and on-topic. This will help you stay on track and ensure that your content is well organized. Always check your work before publishing it. This will help ensure no errors or mistakes in your content.

What makes a good blog post?

A good blog post is easy to read and follow. This means that it has a clear structure, with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Additionally, it is helpful to keep your posts short and concise. This will make them easier for your readers to digest.

What is the best blog content-writing AI assistant for blogging?

Outranking is one of the best content-writing AI assistants on the market. It provides a variety of essential tools to help you write great content that will outrank your competition. These tools include topic clustering, keyword research and strategy, automation of content creation, tracking of SEO efforts, and more. If you’re serious about blogging, then Outranking is an essential tool for you.

When writing a new blog post, how can I write a working title that converts?

Outranking AI is a tool that can help you identify the title of your blog post that will convert the best. It takes into account various factors, including search engine data and engagement metrics, to give you a list of titles that have the best potential for success. You can use this data to create an engaging and keyword-rich title that will help your blog rank in search engines.

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Video Post Production: Your Ultimate Guide

What is Video Post-Production?

Video post-production is the third and final step in creating a video. It's a complex process involving a variety of skill sets to make a completed product. After the footage is captured, the post-production stage of editing and polishing the look, feel and sound of the project begins.

This step of the video production process includes editing, color correction and grading, visual effects, foley recording, sound mixing and editing, soundtrack and music.  All these important elements combine to deliver a polished final video.

Why Post-Production for Video is Important

In filmmaking, a video is realized in stages: first on the page, then on set, and finally in the edit. One of the reasons video post-production is such a critical  part of the process is that it is where all the separate elements become a cohesive story.  If anything isn’t right in the storytelling, it is up to the post-production process to fix it.

All the preparations in pre-production are executed in production. If the story or the way it was captured has any errors, the only way to correct them is through the tools available to the post-production department.

The video below provides a great example of how post-production saved Star Wars. By painstakingly mining the material and streamlining the storytelling, the edit turned a disjointed, bloated first act into a tension-filled, exciting sci-fi Hollywood masterpiece.

But it’s not just feature films that benefit from the magical healing powers of post-production.  In fact, in the video marketing space, post-production often is the most important element in connective emotional branded content.

Take a look at this gorgeous advertisement from The Mill.  The concept is simple, the execution of effects and sound are everything. 

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In summary, whether you're shooting a feature film, a commercial, or producing cryptocurrency videos, post-production is what brings it all together.

8 Key Stages of Video Post-Production

Just as stories are broken down into acts, so goes the process of creating them.  In post-production work, there is logging (capture and storage), editing (refining the footage into a cohesive whole), visual enhancements (conforming, VFX, color), sound (music and effects) and final delivery (titles, credits, graphics and export).

Here are the eight main phases that take you through the edit to a final product:

  1. Capturing the raw footage

  2. Storage and organization

  3. Post-production video editing

  4. Conforming your offline edit

  5. VFX or visual effects

  6. Color correction and color grading

  7. Sound processing

  8. Final delivery

1. Capturing the Raw Footage

One of the most important steps that kickstarts post-production is “capture”.  Capture simply refers to the raw footage captured by the videographer. Cameras offer many options when it comes to capturing raw footage and this can influence the video production process. 

For instance, recording video in log has the benefit of retaining more color information. This can be extremely helpful for the colorist, giving them more freedom with color grading and correction of the raw footage.  Once you have the raw footage, it moves to editorial where the post-production video editor’s work begins.

2. Storage and Organization

After the footage is shot, it is saved on a memory card or SSD. Making sure that the footage is stored in multiple places is crucial. During backups, specialized software algorithms (which are a type of cryptographic hash function (CHF), with the source data labeled as the message, and the output being called the hash value) utilizes a checksum, which can be compared to a digital fingerprint. Checksums ensure that files on backup hard drives are exactly the same as those on memory cards.

The footage that comes from the shots is called dailies or rushes. A DIT (Digital Imaging Technician) is the one on the production team that ensures the footage is ready to be sent to the filmmaker and producers. DITs establish a workflow for production and post-production crews that works for both parties. A successful transfer of material from set to editors relies on this process.

DITs establish standards, best practices, and maintain the exposure and color baseline throughout production to ensure image quality never deteriorates. They also work with the camera operator by observing the monitor for potential issues such as boom shadows or lens flares so that they can make adjustments.

The DIT must do several things before sending the footage, including organizing it.

It is the DIT's responsibility to sync audio and video files along with organizing footage. Despite camera’s ability to record audio and video on the same file, it is still common to record audio separately, something called dual-system sound. Metadata must also be managed. Video metadata includes information such as location notes, script notes, card labels, and log notes. A script supervisor documents the metadata.

A camera's footage is typically a very large file size and generally unsuitable for editing. It's difficult to play back the footage on a typical computer, so it needs to be transcoded (transcoding is the process of converting files from one codec to another). This means taking the hi-res files and converting them to lo-res files strictly for editing. There are hundreds of codecs that can be applied, but some of the most commonly used are: 

  • H.265

  • H.264

  • Redcode

  • ProRes

  • DNxHD

Two teams look at dailies, the editorial team and the review team (made up of the producer(s), director, and if applicable, client).

As soon as the dailies reach the editor teams, the assistant editors begin to prepare for the next step, checking that all the files are undamaged, and making sure that audio and metadata have been synced correctly. The assistant editors will then copy the daily files to their central shared storage. 

3. Post-Production Video Editing

The footage must be converted to an edit-friendly codec before offline editing can begin. Once the files have been transferred into the central shared storage, the assistants begin organizing them in the NLE (video editing software) according to the lead editor's preferences. Depending on if the editors need metadata in the editing process, then the assistants will also tag and categorize the new footage.

The assistants will also build stringouts, where they create a timeline and arrange clips for each scene. Initially, the editor watches each take and makes notes by positioning markers on the timeline or selecting their favorite takes on a different track or timeline.

This editorial team now uses the lower resolution footage to focus on storytelling. They put together a first assembly which has limited edits. This involves taking the footage that might have been shot out of sequence and loosely putting it together in real time to get a sense of the whole story.  The assembly then moves to a rough cut version where the editor works through each scene, re-editing to find the best takes. Once the editor has a good working version of a scene, it will be placed back into the assembly so that the cut gradually becomes more complex. 

The rough cut keeps the sound and picture in sync and the editor begins to mute or delete unwanted sounds. They rarely add sound here as sound mixing comes later in the process. After each scene has been edited separately, the first rough cut is created, and it is placed into the edit.  At this point the director and/or producer may view and give notes, or the editor may take a few more passes at a finer cut before getting their feedback and notes.  They all work together through multiple revisions until the creative team gives approval for the final version.

4. Conforming Your Offline Edit

After the video editing is done, the next step is connect those low-resolution files with the original, high-resolution footage, a process known as online editing or conform. Conform means to convert the locked edit from the edit team to a format that allows the visual effects, color correction and grading, final titles and audio to be added. 

A conform is intended to ensure that all files contain no errors, most importantly the metadata. This stage is crucial because it is about preparing materials and files that will be forwarded to the other teams. It is sometimes handled by the editing team, but usually by the colorist.

5. VFX or Visual Effects

The next production stage is VFX (visual effects). The VFX team will begin working on the footage by selecting the takes that need VFX or CGI. It’s a good idea to provide the VFX team with a copy of the rough cut which will include the editor’s placeholders for the VFX, so that they can get the big picture on how the effects fit in with the overall storytelling.  Editorial placeholders could be title cards with shot description, storyboards or rough 3D animations. 

The VFX team will create the first draft of the footage in the NLE. After that, the editor will take a look at the first draft to make sure the desirable effects are achieved. When the editor is satisfied with the VFX placement in the footage, the VFX team will continue compositing the footage. When the VFX is done, the VFX team will start rendering the footage and send it back to the editorial team.  As always, it is advisable to back up the file sent by the VFX team.

6. Color Correction and Color Grading

Color grading and correction follow the edit team and VFX team's work. In some cases, color comes before VFX. This is because the VFX artist can create more realistic visuals when they have an authentic starting point. During this step, the colorist makes adjustments and enhancements to the footage where the desired aesthetic for the video is created. 

Color grading contributes to conveying a certain mood or tone. Whereas color correction is about fixing issues that may have happened during the shoot( such as differences in lighting during takes or the removal of a blemish on an actor) color grading is more about supporting the director’s vision for stylistic effect.  It is integral to the audience's understanding of what the filmmaker deems important, as it can direct the eye and influence emotion.  It is an incredibly powerful tool to deepen and clarify themes and emotion.

7. Sound Processing

Once the visual elements are in place, it’s time for the sound design. In the final mix, the sound editor will ensure that dialogue, foley (everyday sound effects), and other sound elements making up the sound editing are all perfectly balanced. This includes production dialogue editing, ADR recording, voice-over, noise reduction, sound effects, plugins, music composition and scoring. Then it is mixed and mastered and the final audio is encoded and the finished video is exported.

8. Final Delivery

The final step is to package and optimize every piece of media for different mediums, such as the web, broadcast, theatrical or mobile. Title, head and tail credits and any needed graphics are created. 

Closed captions, which are a textual representation of the audio within a media file, are generated by providing a time-to-text track in addition to or as a replacement for the audio. These services make the media accessible to people who are deaf or hard of hearing. The text in a closed caption file is primarily speech, but captions also contain elements like speaker IDs and sound effects that are crucial to understanding the plot of the video. 

Similarly, subtitles are produced, which are  translations that are available in other languages and are a form of closed captioning. They are used to translate the audio into different viewer's languages. In subtitles, non-speech elements of audio are not included (such as sounds or speaker identifications).

7 Video Post-Production Tools You Need

Based on your skill level and the project you are working on, there are a variety of tools available for video post-production. The two major NLE (non-linear editor) systems are Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro.  Both are excellent options that will produce professional grade videos.  

Adobe Premiere Pro has capabilities for editing video, audio, and graphics, as well as tools for color correction. You can customize filters, special effects, and audio/video transition options in Premiere, and then save them as your own templates for use in the future.

Other advanced features include 3D editing and multicam editing. You can import images, videos, and music into your project by using the program's Media Browser tool, or you can drag and drop these items into your project.  It’s a highly intuitive program and an industry standard.

Final Cut Pro is made by Apple and if you have Apple devices, installation from the Apple App Store to multiple devices will be simple and reliable. Import and edit everything from standard-definition to 8K video—including ProRes, ProRes RAW, and all major professional camera formats.

You can edit multi-camera footage, automatically syncing up to 64 angles of video with different formats, frame sizes, and frame rates. View up to 16 angles at once, then use the angle editor to move, sync, trim, add effects, or color grade individual clips in the timeline. Color grading tools are built into Final Cut Pro, including a dedicated color inspector with color wheels, color curves, hue/saturation curves, and keyframes to adjust corrections over time. It has more than 300 built-in special effects, transitions, and generators. 

Here Are Five Additional Helpful Tools

Apple Logic Pro X is a collection of creative tools which allow you to compose, record, arrange, edit and mix music. Logic Pro includes a massive collection of instruments, effects, loops and samples, providing a complete toolkit to create sound and music.

Adobe Audition allows you to create, mix, and design sound effects.  It includes a free sound library, with the ability to eliminate background noise and improve sound quality with intuitive audio editing tools.  It also includes Strip Silence, which automatically identifies and removes silent or inactive regions in recorded clips, without losing synchronization in multitrack audio. 

DaVinci Resolve combines editing, color correction, visual effects, motion graphics, as well as audio post production into one program. The program's trim interface also allows editing in minute detail, and the dual timeline makes it easy to navigate, cut, and trim. It offers a robust suite of video effects, an impressive set of 3D tools, and a well-designed interface.

Filmora is a budget friendly option. It offers motion tracking, green screen, split screen, the ability to add external subtitles, auto synchronization, color correction and visual effects. You can upload and share project documents, project templates, and exported videos. Filmora is one of the best video editors for sound effects. It comes with a library of free basic sound effects and background music tracks that you can easily add to your video clips via drag-and-drop. There is also an easy way to record a voiceover using the microphone button.

Vegas Pro  offers unlimited video & audio tracks, storyboard and timeline synchronization, scene detection, nested timelines, adjustment tracks, keyframing & automation control, multicam editing, hundreds of filters, effects, transitions and titles and customized workflow, shortcuts & layouts.  Works with a wide range of formats including: Apple ProRes, HEVC 10bit 4:2:2, Sony XDCAM & XAVC, Panasonic AVCHD, RED RAW and Blackmagic RAW Beta.

4 Tips on Post-Production Video Editing

We’ve covered the actual workflow in the video post-production process, converting raw footage, organizing and editing it in an NLE system, conforming the offline edit so that color, effects, sound, titles, graphics and captions can be created and mixed for final delivery.  But what are some techniques editors can apply to make sure their final product is successful?

1. Correct White Balance

What is white balance? Basically, it tells the camera about lighting conditions so it can correct any unnatural color casts in your video and restore the whites in your image to how they appeared at the location where they were filmed. Ideally this would happen during production, but sometimes it needs to be corrected during post-production. Every NLE editing tool will have the ability to fix white balance and it can dramatically alter a shot to appear more natural and real life.

2. Use LUTs

LUT is an acronym for “lookup table”. In the context of color grading video footage, this refers to a set of data that a computer color grading program uses to take an input from your camera and transform it into the final footage of your choice. Basically, it’s a shortcut that can create all kinds of cinematic and stylized effects. The use of customized LUTs can also be used to hide shot blemishes or imperfections in color grading.

3. Kill Your Darlings

Remember this is an edit. You don’t need to include every moment captured for its entire duration. Get into a scene as late as possible and cut out as early as possible. You may fall in love with a moment or the beauty of a cinematic shot, but if in playback it doesn’t move the narrative forward, be ruthless and cut it.

4. Learn Some Quick Shortcuts

Professional video post-production can be quick paced. Any knowledge that can shave time from the process is power. For example, some shortcuts allow you to add and move elements around your timeline. If you’re creating assembly edits and want to add clips from your browser to your timeline quickly, shortcuts are super helpful.  Here is a comprehensive list for Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro  to get you started.

Video Post-Production: Key Takeaways

They say it’s not how you start, but how you finish. To finish strong, a well-organized post-production workflow is essential.

The video post-production process starts when the raw footage is captured, stored, and transcoded into an editable format. This allows the video editor to put together a rough cut of the project and work toward a final cut. Once everyone is happy, the edit moves to conform, where color correction, grading, visual effects, sound processing, titles and captioning happen.  

Choose the editing software that most meets your needs, have a production checklist and system in place that is transparent and accountable and the post-production phase should produce high-quality results.

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