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What is the 5D Earth? | by Diana Keith

What’s the 5D Earth?

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Diana Keith



8 min read


Aug 16, 2023


I’ve been getting questions about the new 5D Earth, and so I did a Q & A with my guides to answer some of the questions that my Facebook community has been asking.

Photo credit: Fetako on pixabay

The responses are from my spirit guides and the imagery they’ve shown me:

What’s the 5D Earth about?

It’s a vibrational shift of energy to another dimension.

Is it a whole different planet?


Why do some people already feel like they live on 5D Earth?

People are experiencing a shift of consciousness and have been since they were born.

Does healing your trauma have much to do with expanding your consciousness?

As you become aware of how your experiences are connecting to your behavior, it helps you to heal, raise your energetic frequency, and expand your consciousness.

Give me an example with imagery of what the 5D Earth will be like please:

Here’s the imagery I’m seeing:

Lots of pink and blue and yellow swirling in the air. Oh, it’s music that we’ll be able to see, as if it hangs in the air. This is already an ability in our 3D world called synesthesia, but everyone will have it as they evolve.

People can choose to float inches above the surface or make themselves more solid. Whoops. What I’m seeing is actually two different kinds of beings. Those who are departed can visit the 5D Earth and that’s who I’m seeing. They’ll be there to interact with friends and family.

Manifesting takes the place of retail stores. UGH. I’ll miss the mall… I love the mall. I’m seeing a mall. Oh, we can manifest malls. Okay. That makes me happy.

Will everyone go? When?

Yes. Within the lifetime of all who are reading this. If you put yourself in a 5D framework, you’ll be less concerned with time.

How do we put ourselves in a 5D framework?

By being in the moment and living in the now.

What about those who don’t evolve to a high enough frequency? Will they move to the 5D Earth?

If they are physically alive, they will shift and be offered healing.


What about the criminals?

The answer is the same as for the previous question.

Will it be clear who the criminals are once we move to a 5D dimension?

They won’t function well and will become physically ill and will need healing. But most will be able to heal.

Will the criminals stand trial for what they did?

There won’t be many still alive. But those who are functioning will be brought to justice. If they are at a high enough frequency to function in 5D, they are already working with what you call, the good guys.

You mean, some people have been apprehended and have been given a choice to help to delay their eventual justice?

Yes. And since they are helping under these circumstances, their consciousness is expanding.

Will we all go at once?

Yes. Many have the vibrational consciousness already needed and that’s to help others heal before the physical shift.

How can we all go at once?

It will be perceived as a new awareness.

What does this mean?

Time feels different at a higher density and for that reason it will be a drastic change for those who need more healing. But for others, it will be perceived as a gentle shift.

I don’t get it. Can you give me an example?

It’s like arriving in a different time zone with no real loss of time. Your friend gets on a plane and travels to you. He’s only missing from his time zone at the point where he departed. You don’t miss him because he’s not expected yet in your time zone. He’s not actually missing but on his way.

Another example is that if his plane went down with no survivors, he would be at another place and time and not be expected to physically arrive in the 3D.

That’s confusing. Can you give more of a clear example?

No one will miss anyone because it all occurs simultaneously.

There will be no sense of any time lost and if someone is already deceased in the 3D physical plane, they won’t shift to the 5D.

How important is learning in our current 3D world since we are going to a new dimension? Are we wasting our time learning in this world? A lot of people are feeling like… Why bother if we are going to a whole new Earth?

All learning has value. Learning will raise your frequency.

Are we practicing to be teachers for the future?

All life happens now. Practicing any skill will improve on that skill. If you want to teach, you can teach. This is true now and for any 5th dimension.

What will the 5D world look like?

Whatever you want it to look like.

You mean the world will be an imprint of our imaginations?


Will our manifestations come more steadily? Does manifestation exist in 5D?

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Here’s the imagery I see:

Everyone gets a Mona Lisa in our new 5D Earth. If they want one. This was the response I received in the form of imagery when I asked my guides about our cultural beauty, art, history, and music and whether it would be available.

I’m being shown a Mona Lisa hanging on my wall. Our imaginations and manifesting are connected. as they are in our 3D. But in 5D, it happens quicker.

Will everyone hear the heartbeat of our collective selves and respond for the betterment of the human experience we’re once out of the density of the 3D plane?

Everyone will have free will and can choose their contribution.

I asked about those who choose not to contribute and here’s the imagery I see:

For those who don’t know how they’ll contribute, they can choose a path of learning or choose a pathway to heal.

Here’s some other imagery that’s being communicated:

I also see lots of different schools and healing spa places. It will be normal to do a daily healing trip if we want. Some schools are nature based and are located on mountain tops. Others are part of people’s homes.

I see a lot of clusters of family type communities where they’re choosing to share common areas like kitchens and dining. You can cook in your own kitchen or be part of a community kitchen anytime. There will be community kitchens everywhere.

Interacting with other people is at an all time high and is the biggest change people are feeling in the 5D environment. I can see people’s auras lighting up and being drawn to people in a way similar to how we are drawn to friends and family in the 3D.

We will be drawn to each other. We’ll know one another instead of getting to know one another. It’s like that feeling when you meet someone who you know is part of your soul group.

Will the connections with our departed look any different than now?

Here is the imagery I’m being shown:

I can see my departed mother and I sitting at a table with food on it.

I can do visits with my mother?

She can visit you.

Does she eat?

She doesn’t eat but you do.

So, the departed can visit us?

Yes. The departed visit you now as well but in 5D, everyone will be more aware of it. It’s normal in the new density.

Will abuse and violence be different on the 5D Earth?

Abuse is considered a high crime and an alert would go out long before it would even happen because the person’s (abuser’s) vibrational frequency would be so low that they would need healing usually long before any physical or mental abuse took place.

Here’s the imagery I see:

It’s a scene from Minority Report, the movie, where they are looking at a big screen of images of crimes being done in the future. But what I’m seeing is a screen indicating extremely low vibrational anomalies instead of crimes. It’s less like a monitoring system for healing and more of a feeling of how one tends to a garden when some of the plant life is not doing well. I don’t get the impression that it’s intrusive.

What will the interaction with animals be like?

Communication is possible for humans and animals through telepathy.

That sounds overwhelming. I’m an empath and I don’t want to hear other people’s or animal’s thoughts.

Then you won’t. You have free will. It’s an option.

When will the shift be fully realized?

Within your lifetimes.

So all of everyone’s soul fragments are also shifting to 5D?


How long we will be as a collective in the in between?

It will be a shift to another dimensional timeline without physical death or a sense of in between. No in between will be perceived.

Who will need healing after the shift?

Some people will feel… Oh yes, I remember who I am. As if it’s a plan they already know about.

Others will need healing to remember.

Will there be other beings there to help with the transition since some won’t fully remember?

Yes. Those who remember will help those who forget.

How will our bodies change on the 5D Earth compared to now?

Your mind and body will be more connected for healing itself.

Some will be able to self-heal easily and others will learn. For others, healing will be offered.

Will we look the same as we do in 3D?

Here’s the imagery I’m seeing:

I’ve asked to see those who I know so I can see if they look any different. The children look the same. One of my friends who is now bald looks the same but now I’m seeing his hair start to grow back.

Most of my friends are in their forties or fifties and they’re appearing to be in their thirties in the 5D. I see us all dancing. There will be pop-up dance clubs. This, I like.

I’m also getting the feeling that aging will be slower and lifetimes will lengthen.

What percentage will remember?

Seven of out ten people will remember fully. As the frequency of this world increases, those who will remember increases.

Will there be two earths, as mentioned though the work of Dolores Cannon?

The current three-dimensional Earth where you now live has many parallel dimensions, but this will not be one of them.

It is new and it is Earth. but not a 3D parallel. It’s a higher density and not a parallel because the frequency is much higher. Less dense. Parallel realities are almost identical. It will not be the case between your current 3D reality and the new 5D Earth.

What can you share with those people who feel afraid and aren’t sure what to expect?

From my guide, Louie:

There’s nothing to fear. Do not stop living in this world and wait for the next one. This lowers your vibration and the dense fear frequency leaves openings for illness, fear, and negativity in this dense version of Earth.

Thank you to all my guides who helped with this Q & A on the new 5D Earth. If you’d like to learn how to connect and communicate with your spirit guides, you can get notified when The Spirit Guide Handbook is released.



A lot of these questions are from my Facebook community, The Intuitive Life.

I love surprises so I don’t read about the 5D shift, but the other night I started getting nudged with some information from my guides and then the next day someone from my Facebook community asked me about the new Earth and that’s how this Q & A got started.

About The Author:

Diana Keith is a writer, medium, and healer. She loves traveling, physics, and her kids. Diana’s website is

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