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10 Things to Consider When Buying Anionic Vs Nonionic

Aug. 06, 2024

Surfactants and anionic, nonionic and cationic properties

By Timothy J. Roach

There was a time when the word &#;surfactant&#; was foreign to me. As a young boy growing up on Long Island, I remember watching my mother frantically trying to clean up some unknown food or drink spill from our carpet before company came. She&#;d scrub and scrub, actually spreading the spill instead of cleaning it.

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And, of course, with no carpet spot remover in the house, she would be forced to try whatever was handy, such as laundry detergent, dish soap, maybe even some alkaline degreaser from my dad&#;s workroom.

&#;Shouldn&#;t you use carpet cleaner on that?&#; I&#;d ask.

&#;It&#;s just soap,&#; she would reply. &#;It&#;s all the same.&#;

It&#;s not just soap

Today, as a cleaning product formulator, I get to play with all sorts of different chemicals. I spend my weekdays measuring and mixing, adding a pinch of this and a jigger of that. I guess you could say I&#;m one part chef, one part kid with a chemistry set.But there is one thing that I have learned over my years of studying chemistry and working as a formulator: It is most definitely not all just soap.

Perhaps the most misunderstood and confusing components of cleaning chemicals are the actual detergents, or surfactants.

View the Infographic &#;Anionic, Nonionic, Cationic, and Amphoteric Surfactants

Cleaning chemical variety

Surfactants (short for surface-active agents) are molecules that contain a hydrophilic, or &#;water-loving&#; end, and a hydrophobic, or &#;water-fearing&#; end. The electrical charge on the water-loving end of the molecule distinguishes between the different types of surfactants.

Surfactants come in four different types: Anionic, nonionic, cationic and amphoteric.Once you understand the differences between these different surfactant types, as well as how to classify them by their names, choosing the right cleaning products should be a snap.

Anionic surfactants

Probably the most commonly used surfactants in carpet cleaning chemistry are anionic surfactants.Anionic surfactants possess a negative charge on their hydrophilic end. This charge helps the surfactant molecules to interact with both the carpet fibers and soil particles, lifting and suspending soils in &#;bubble-like&#; arrangements called micelles.

Anionic surfactants possess other benefits that make them ideal for certain carpet applications. Generally, they make a lot of foam when agitated. Also, they tend to be flaky or powdery when dry, not sticky like other surfactants.Anionic surfactants, therefore, are the most common type of surfactant found in low moisture carpet cleaners, like traditional shampoos and encapsulation products.However, these detergents tend to not be as good at emulsifying oily soils as some other detergent types.

When reading the ingredients list on your cleaning products, you can identify anionic surfactants as those that have the following in their names:

  • Sodium
  • Ammonium
  • Magnesium
  • Sulfate
  • Sulfonate
  • Gluconate (For example, sodium laurel sarcosinate, magnesium laurel sulfate, and sodium gluconate.)

Nonionic surfactants

Nonionic surfactants are also found in many cleaning products, including carpet products. Nonionics have no charge on their hydrophilic end, which helps make them superior oily soil emulsifiers.

Some nonionics are high foamers (like anionics), while others do not generate much foam. Because of their lower foam profile and strong emulsifying potential, these surfactants are the preferred choice when formulating extraction cleaners and pre sprays. However, unlike anionic surfactants, nonionics are thick liquids or syrups that are sticky or &#;gooey&#; to the touch. When left in the carpet, nonionic surfactants are the primary contributors to rapid resoiling.

Even with that being the case, their importance as cleaners outweighs this negative, and the cleaner or technician must take care to remove as much of the detergent residue as possible from the carpet in order to get the cleaning benefits of nonionics without their negatives.

Nonionic surfactants include:

  • Ethoxylates
  • Alkoxylates
  • Cocamide

Cationic surfactants

Cationic surfactants are less common in cleaners, and almost always absent from carpet products. Cationics have positively charged ends, which makes them ideal in antistatic formulas like fabric softeners and automobile &#;cheater waxes.&#;Also, cationic surfactants have antimicrobial characteristics, and they are found in hard-surface disinfectants and cleaners. However, cationic surfactants have been shown to damage the mill-applied protectants on carpet, and are therefore strictly verboten in carpet products.

Formulas containing cationic surfactants cannot be mixed with those containing oppositely charged anionic surfactants. The molecules would interact with each other, producing a gooey mess that drops out of solution.When reading the ingredients list, look for the words &#;chloride&#; or &#;bromide&#; (as in alkylbenzene ammonium chloride) to identify cationics.

Amphoteric surfactants

Probably the least talked about surfactants are the amphoterics. These unique molecules possess both a positive and a negative charge on their hydrophilic end, giving them a net charge of zero.

Amphoteric surfactants have little utility on their own, but work extremely well in enhancing the cleaning effect of both anionic and nonionic surfactants. They can serve as &#;coupling agents,&#; which hold the surfactants, solvents and inorganic salt components of a formula together.

Amphoterics are usually named in some way to indicate that they are amphoterics, as in amphoterge. Other examples of amphoterics are betaines and amine oxides.

A buffet of chemistry

With all these different types of surfactants, and with a seemingly infinite list of each type of surfactant, it is a wonder that formulators are able to choose the right detergent for the right application. Experienced formulators have gotten their hands dirty working with many different types of detergents in an effort to make just the right blend of cleaning agents. Any formulator worth his salt will be quick to tell you that not all surfactants are created equal, and that some cleaners are better than others, given the situation.

Timothy J. Roach has a B.S. degree in biology and chemistry from Duke University and an M.S. in chemistry from Northwestern University.

How to Choose the Best Surfactants for Shampoo ...


Shampoo is one of the most widely used personal care products. To produce high-quality shampoo, using the right ingredients in the proper proportions is essential. Among all the ingredients in shampoo, surfactants are the core ingredients, as they contribute most to the fundamental function of shampoos, which is cleaning our hair and scalp.

Surfactants in shampoos help to clean our hair and scalp by acting as a foaming agent and cleansing agent. Surfactants can create a rich lather when the shampoo is applied for hair washing, and the lather helps distribute the shampoo evenly through the hair, ensuring that all parts of the scalp and hair are cleaned thoroughly. Surfactants act as a cleansing agent in the way of lowering the surface tension of water and their hydrophobic tails bind to the dirt and grease, while their hydrophilic heads interact with the water in the cleaning solution. This combination allows surfactants to emulsify and lift off dirt and grease particles from our hair and scalp, effectively cleaning it.

Surfactants can also contribute as a conditioning agent and a shampoo body texture enhancer.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Anionic Vs Nonionic.

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However, so many surfactants are available on the market, and not all surfactants are created equal. Choosing the right one can make all the difference. This article will discuss how to choose the best surfactants for shampoo manufacturing.

Understanding Surfactants

Surfactants, short for &#;surface active agents,&#; are compounds that are used in a variety of applications to reduce the surface tension between two different substances. They have both hydrophilic (water-loving) and hydrophobic (water-fearing) properties, which allows them to interact with both water and oil-based compounds.

Surfactants can be found in many everyday products, such as detergents, shampoos, soaps, and cleaning agents. They are also widely used in the industries of food, pharmacies, plastics, paper, and textiles. Surfactants can be classified into four main categories: anionic, cationic, nonionic, and amphoteric.

Anionic Surfactants

Anionic surfactants are surfactants that have a negatively charged functional group, and they are the most common type of surfactant used in shampoo manufacturing. They are known for their strong cleaning ability and lathering properties. Examples of anionic surfactants used in shampoo include sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES). However, these surfactants can be harsh on the scalp and hair, leading to dryness and irritation. So in recent years, there is a trend of replacing SLS and SLES with more gentle anionic surfactants, such as amino acid surfactants, to achieve &#;sulfate-free&#; shampoos.

Cationic Surfactants

Contrary to Anionic surfactants, Cationic surfactants are positively charged. They have good bactericidal and anti-static properties. So they are commonly used as a disinfectant and conditioning agent in a variety of home care and personal care products. Typical Cationic surfactants include Cetyltrimethylammonium chloride and Benzalkonium chlorid.

However, Cationic surfactants will interact with the Anionic surfactants and, in many cases combine to form an insoluble salt. So in shampoo formulations, where Anionic surfactants commonly exist, traditional Cationic surfactants can not be used. Cationic polymers are used in this case to offer conditioning properties and to formulate 2-in-1 shampoos.

Nonionic Surfactants

Nonionic surfactants do not carry an electrical charge and they are generally less harsh than other types of surfactants. They are used in shampoo and other personal care formulations for their mildness and their outstanding ability to create a rich and creamy lather. Additonaly, Nonionic surfactants often have good thickening ability which can help to build a thick body texture for the shampoo. Examples of nonionic surfactants used in shampoo include cocamide DEA and Cocamide MEA.

However, there are some Nonionic surfactants that don&#;t have these favorable properties to use in shampoos. They are Alcohol ethoxylates(common examples are AEO-7 and AEO-9) and Alkylphenol ethoxylates(common examples are NP9 and NP10). They are harsh on the skin; they are defoaming; and they do not help to thicken a solution.

Amphoteric Surfactants

Amphoteric surfactants, also known as zwitterionic surfactants, have both positive and negative charges and can behave as either anionic or cationic, depending on the pH of the solution.

They are becoming more commonly used in shampoo formulations and other personal care products, due to their ability to decrease the irritancy of the formulation while increasing the active content level. Amphoteric surfactants also provide thickening and conditioning properties.

Examples of Amphoteric surfactants commonly used in shampoo include Cocamidopropyl Betaine, and Cocamidopropylamine Oxide.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Surfactants

When selecting surfactants for shampoo manufacturing, it is essential to consider several factors, including:

Cleansing performance

Surfactants are primarily responsible for cleansing the hair and scalp. Therefore, it is important to choose a surfactant that can effectively remove dirt and grease from our hair and scalp yet without leaving the hair feeling dry or stripped.

Foaming performance

The foam produced by the surfactant helps distribute the shampoo through the hair and scalp evenly and holds dirt and oil in suspension for easy rinse offer with water. A rich foam also provides a pleasant user experience. Therefore, a surfactant that produces a rich and stable foam is desirable.


Some surfactants can potentially cause irritation to the skin, scalp, and eyes, so it&#;s crucial to choose a mild surfactant that is gentle and non-irritating. Sodium lauryl sulfate or SLS has excellent foaming and cleansing properties and was once a top choice as a shampoo surfactant. However, in recent years, it&#;s been increasingly criticized to be irritating, and its place has been taken by milder alternatives including Sodium laureth sulfate(SLES), Alpha Olefin Sulphonate, and Amino acid surfactants.

Thickness and Viscosity

Thickness and viscosity determine the body texture of a shampoo, which is very crucial for the success of a shampoo product. A proper thick and viscous body is good for applying the shampoo to our hair and it also gives the consumer a good aesthetic appearance, which enhances his/her confidence in its hair-washing performance.

The choice of surfactants affects the thickness and viscosity of the shampoo. Thicker shampoos usually contain surfactants of higher molecular weight. Cetyl alcohol and Cetearyl alcohol are commonly added as thickeners. Some surfactants such as Cocamide DEA(CDEA), Cocamide MEA(CMEA), and Cocomidopropyl Betaine(CAPB) can also help to build viscosity through surfactant synergy effects.


Commonly, more than one surfactants are present in a shampoo formulation for surfactant synergy to achieve the best overall performance at a lower cost. It&#;s essential to ensure different surfactants are compatible with each other. As here above mentioned, Cationic surfactants are not compatible with Anionic surfactants.

Surfactants must also be compatible with other ingredients in the shampoo formulation, such as thickeners, conditioners, and preservatives.


As surfactants usually take up the largest portion of a shampoo formula. The cost of the surfactant can largely impact the overall cost of the shampoo, so it&#;s important to choose a surfactant that provides good value for money.

Environmental impact

Some surfactants can have negative environmental impacts, such as being toxic to aquatic life, being hard to degrade in nature, or using unsustainable sources. Therefore, it&#;s important to choose a surfactant that is environmentally friendly.

Regulatory compliance

The use of certain surfactants may be restricted or prohibited by regulations, so it&#;s essential to choose a surfactant that is compliant with relevant regulations. A good place for checking the potential use restrictions of a surfactant(or any other ingredient) in personal care products is the Environmental Working Group(EWG).

Performance under different conditions

Different surfactants may perform differently under various conditions, such as pH range, hard/soft water, or in different temperatures, so it&#;s important to consider the intended use and the specific properties of the surfactant for optimal performance.

Popular Surfactants Used in Shampoo Manufacturing

Some of the most commonly used surfactants in shampoo manufacturing are:

  1. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) &#; This is a highly effective anionic surfactant that produces a rich, dense foam. Due to its potential irritation, it&#;s being less and less used in shampoos.
  2. Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) &#; This is currently the most widely used surfactant in shampoos. It&#;s a milder derivative of SLS, but still produces a good lather. SLES is highly cost-effective and highly accessible.
  3. Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (ALS or AESA) &#; It has very similar foaming, emulsifying, and cleaning properties to SLES, but with better solubility in water. Better solubility makes it easier to rise off and leaves less residue in washing.
  4. Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate &#; This is a trending Amino acid-based anionic surfactant with good foaming and cleansing ability and outstanding mildness. It&#;s currently the most accessible amino acid surfactant in most places.
  5. Cocamidopropyl Betaine &#; This is an amphoteric surfactant that is mostly used as a secondary surfactant in shampoo. It is derived from coconut oil, readily biodegradable, and gentle on the skin. It also has outstanding foaming ability and can achieve a good synergy effect with SLES to thicken the shampoo.
  6. Decyl Glucoside &#; This is a non-ionic surfactant that is derived from corn and coconut. It is super gentle on the skin and is often used in natural and organic shampoos.
  7. Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate &#; This is a gentle, sulfate-free surfactant that is derived from coconut oil. It produces a creamy lather and is often used in baby shampoos and other gentle formulas.
  8. Sodium Lauroyl Methyl Isethionate &#; This is a gentle, sulfate-free surfactant that is derived from coconut oil. It is often used in clarifying shampoos and other products that need to remove build-up from the hair.

It&#;s important to note that some of these surfactants may be harsher than others, and different individuals may have different sensitivities to them. Some people may prefer to use sulfate-free shampoos, which use gentler surfactants or none at all.


Choosing the right surfactants is essential for producing high-quality shampoo. Consider factors such as performance, mildness, cost, compatibility, hair type, formulation, environmental impact, and regulatory requirements when choosing surfactants for your shampoo. By carefully selecting the right surfactants, you can create a shampoo that effectively cleanses and nourishes the hair while being gentle on the scalp and the environment.

Are you interested in learning more about Natural Surfactants List? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!


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