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10 Things to Consider When Buying Fresh bamboo leaves vs bay leaves

10 Things Nobody Tells You About Bamboo

Ah, bamboo&#;it&#;s one of those plants that you either love or hate. Me? Well, years ago my husband and I planted a hedge-line of bamboo in the backyard to screen out a view (it does a fantastic job), and in our front yard we have a substantial and stately giant timber bamboo as well as two gorgeous clumps of feathery Mexican Weeping bamboo, so&#;you could say I&#;m on the love side.

The company is the world’s best Fresh bamboo leaves vs bay leaves supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.

Of course, that is, until I cross over to the hate side.

The hate rears its head when the rampant running varieties devilishly break out of their line and invade unsuspecting areas. Yes, sadly, I have been bamboozled. Just like a lot of people on the hater side. But, in the end, I have come to an understanding about this remarkable plant. After years of planting and maintaining bamboo, I am aware of both its pitfalls and positives, and ultimately the positives win out.

Please keep reading to learn more about this winner of a plant:

1. Bamboo can be a clumper or a runner.

Above: One way to ensure your bamboo doesn&#;t run rampant is to plant it in a container. Photograph by Marcus Harpur, from Designer Visit: The Black and Green Garden of Chris Moss.

At Bamboo Sourcery, a sustainable, family-run bamboo nursery in Sebastopol, CA, Cristie Kiley tells me the most common misconception about bamboo is that people think all bamboo runs. Sure, some varieties do run&#;and run and run if uncontained&#;but there is a whole other group called clumpers, and these bamboo types stay in their designated areas and slowly grow into a cluster. Before buying any bamboo, carefully read labels and do your homework to know what type you are buying. If you do choose a running type, I strongly urge you contain it, especially if you are thinking of planting it on a property line or in a small garden. You don&#;t want to spend the rest of your life trying to kill it. Either plant running bamboo in large pots or containers (galvanized horse troughs work great), or in the ground surrounded by a high-density polyethylene plastic rhizome barrier that&#;s installed 26-34 inches deep and with 2 inches of barrier protruding above the soil to prevent rhizomes from jumping out.

2. Bamboo is a grass, not a tree.

Above: A cluster of bamboo grows next to the ping pong table in Jonathan Adler and Simon Doonan&#;s garden. Photograph courtesy of Vickie Cardaro, from Before and After: Jonathan Adler and Simon Doonan on Shelter Island.

Despite countless images in books and on social media of dense, towering, tree-like bamboo groves, bamboo is actually in the grass family of Poaceae, and&#;not surprisingly&#;is the biggest in the family. Just like ornamental grasses, slender-leaved, delicate bamboo can provide that much needed textural interest and pairs well with contrasting bigger, bolder-leafed plants.

3. Bamboo grows lightning fast.

Above: Photograph by Sean Kernan, from Outbuilding of the Week: A Teahouse on the Connecticut Coast.

Ever wondered what the fastest growing plant is? You guessed it: bamboo. Some tropical species&#; new shoots can grow an impressive 4 feet in one day, but it does reach maximum size within 5 to 15 years. This impressive skill makes bamboo a go-to for solving hedge and view issues, not to mention a major renewable and sustainable crop.

4. Bamboo is Superman-strong.

Above: Photograph via Commune by the Great Wall, from For Rent: Your Own Bamboo Palace by the Great Wall.

Try to break a large bamboo cane in two, and it is impossible. In fact, bamboo&#;s tensile strength is stronger than steel: 28,000 per square inch versus 23,000 for steel. In some places such as Hong Kong, workers use bamboo in place of traditional scaffolding, and this time-proven technique goes back centuries. Compared with iron rods, bamboo is less expensive, faster to build with, and easier to transport.

Frequently Asked Bamboo Questions

Where are you located and can we visit your nursery?

We are located 50 miles west of Birmingham, AL on 60 acres of waterfront property and yes you can visit to purchase bamboo at the farm. Lewis Bamboo Inc. is a state-licensed bamboo nursery and can mail order nationwide. Our retail nursery offers on-site purchases plus mail orders. For information about appointments click here.

What do you mean by a gallon size?

We use standard nursery size containers. Plants are removed from the original container and wrapped for secure shipping.

Gallons = Width x Height (In Inches)
1 gallon = 7.5&#; x 6.5&#;
2 gallon = 8.5&#; x 8.5&#;
3 gallon = 10.7&#; x 9.25&#;
15 gallon = 18.25&#; x 16&#;
25 gallon = 24&#; x 18&#;

More details about shipping and plant sizes

Is Bamboo safe for pets?

Bamboo is not toxic to dogs, cats, or horses. The foliage can contain up to 22% protein! This makes bamboo a great house plant and allows you not to worry about your little (or big!) friends.

Do be careful about some bamboo look-alike species. While they are not bamboo at all, many have &#;bamboo&#; in the name. Lucky Bamboo & Heavenly/Sacred Bamboo are both toxic to dogs, cats, and horses.

Read Is Bamboo Safe for Pets? & Plants Mistaken for Bamboo

What is a Field Specimen?

These are larger plants that are unavailable for delivery by UPS. Typical sizes are 15 gallon (10&#;-15&#; tall) and 30 gallon (15&#;-25&#; tall). They can be picked up at our nursery or we will be happy to deliver them personally on one of our trucks and trailers. See our wholesale sizes page for more details.

How many plants are in a container?

Most screening species have 1-3 culms (canes) per plant. Since bamboo is a grass and colony plant, dividing them will only hurt growth. Each container should be considered as one plant and not be divided.

Are you interested in learning more about Dried Bamboo Leaves bulk? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!

How many bamboo plants do I need to form a privacy screen type grove?

One division of bamboo will start a grove or screen over time. However, if you want a privacy screen fast, we recommend planting 3-gallon sizes 3 to 5 feet apart, plant 2 gallon sizes 1 to 3 feet apart. This will hopefully allow you to have a good screen in three years. There are a lot of factors such as water, sunlight, and climate zones that speeds up or slows down the process. Three years is about the average on this spacing, closer planting will allow you to screen or develop your grove faster. You cannot over plant bamboo.

How do I control bamboo?

Temperate bamboo typically flowers on 75 year cycles and has a very poor seed set. Bamboo spreads through rhizome (root) expansion. Control the root expansion and you will control bamboo.

See natural control methods or for reduced maintenance, install Bamboo Shield.

Do I need running or clumping bamboo?

Clumping bamboos are slower to form screens and have very limited applications because they are picky about climate zones. Running bamboo are fast to screen and there are species suitable for almost any climate zone. Running bamboo just needs to have the root system controlled.
See running vs clumping bamboo.

Do you have any bamboo seeds I can purchase?

Sorry, bamboo flowers very seldom and the seeds are only viable for a very short time. Some species have never been documented flowering while others go 100 years or longer between flowering. Seeds are often available from other countries such as China, but these are usually confiscated by custom authorities as they enter the country and discarded. Seeds are subject to the same quarantine regulations as live plants (Notice of Quarantine, 7 CFR § 319.34). Bamboo seeds bought on E-Bay are buyer beware and not recommended. Propagation by seeds is a very difficult task and high attrition rates will be experienced.

Do you have any Lucky Bamboo

We do not carry Luck Bamboo because it is not a true bamboo. This plant is a member of the Lily family or Liliaceae and is not a bamboo. There are several different types of this plant, but the most common is Dracaena Sanderana. There are many other plants that are mistaken for bamboo. More Details.

How often do I water and fertilize my new bamboo?


During the first few weeks, water the plant regularly. Soak the soil and spray the leaves. Bamboo likes water but loves drainage. Water heavily but make sure that you are allowing your planting site time to drain between watering cycles. This time can vary depending upon the time of year, soil composition, slope, etc.

We have our custom mix Bamboo Fertilizer available. It consists of a time-release fertilizer accompanied by a bamboo biochar additive to allow time for proper absorption rate. It is the best mixture we have found after 20 years of trials. We fertilize twice a year. Fertilize in early spring (to encourage new growth) and then again during the middle of the growing season (replace any nutrients that may be getting depleted).

There are some leaves turning yellow on my bamboo, is it dying?

This is normal throughout the year, however, it is most noticeable during the Springtime. All leaves will be replaced over the course of one year, so naturally, you will see a lot of yellow and brown foliage as the new leaves form in the Spring. Temperate bamboo are evergreen and if all is well with the planting, it should never be completely barren. The tips of the leaves are often brown and this can be caused by many factors. In most cases, it is wind damage, but it can also be caused by improper watering.

When is the best time to plant bamboo?

You can plant temperate bamboo anytime the ground is workable. We dig and plant year-round in climate zone 7a. In colder areas planting is best done during the Spring, Summer, and early Fall.

Can I plant some bamboo in a swampy area?

Temperate bamboo like water, but love drainage. If the area always has standing water, it will not support bamboo. There are a couple of species suited to damp sites:

Can I mix different varieties of bamboo?

Yes, they will grow together fine. If you allow plenty of room there will not be any problems. If you contain the species to a small area then you should plant only one species. Larger timber bamboo species need plenty of room to spread and reach mature sizes. Smaller ground or shrub height bamboo will grow fine among the larger species.

I live in a very cold climate zone, is it possible to grow your bamboo here?

To the best of our knowledge and based upon research over the years, there is bamboo growing in every state of our country. In climate zones 3 and 4, you might have to resort to container planting and never have a large walk through or evergreen privacy screening type grove. It may not be exactly what you desire, but yes you can grow bamboo in all 50 states with a little work.

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Will deer and other animals eat the bamboo?

Deer can eat bamboo but it is not a preferred food source. Over 30 years of growing bamboo we have experienced and have received reports of only a few occurrences where deer have killed bamboo from grazing. The most damage is done by rabbits and that doesn&#;t amount to much. During the first couple of years, new plantings should be protected with wire enclosures to prevent any animal from tasting the new shoots. Hot sauce can be diluted with water and applied to also help with deterrence. In our experience, deer pose no real problem. Every area of the country is different in relation to the available food sources during a given time frame. So if you have animals either fence them or the bamboo to protect your new planting. Once it is established and producing an abundance of bamboo, you can relax and everyone can enjoy bamboo.

How much sun or shade will my new bamboo need?


The general rule is the larger the bamboo, the more direct sunlight it requires. The large temperate species of bamboo such as the ones we grow are woodland under story plants. They are found in their natural habitat at the edge of forests. They will grow into the shaded areas and outward into full sunlight. Smaller shrub bamboo under 16 feet in height require less direct sunlight conditions and will be more likely to thrive in partly shaded planting sites. Ground cover bamboo 6 feet and under love shaded sites and will look best out of the direct sunlight.


This term is confusing to many and hopefully, we can shed some light on the subject. There are basically three categories of shaded sites, light, moderate and dense. There are types of bamboo for all shade and sun conditions.

  • Light Shade - Moderate amount of sunlight. It is considered partial shade because it is only blocked by smaller structures. Plants with small leaves that produce a thin canopy. Most all bamboo do well in this environment.
  • Moderate Shade - The second type of shade are sites where the sunlight gets through during different times of the day. This type of shade changes with the time of year and day. It is provided by natural obstructions such as trees and bushes. Ground cover and shrub bamboo do well in these planting sites. Timber bamboo are slower to establish their root system (rhizomes) in these planting sites. Once established, timber bamboo can do quite well with the grove having a tall canopy of foliage due to the reduced lighting. Lower limbs on the canes are usually absent in these shaded sites. The bamboo compensates by producing more canes and taller canes.
  • Dense Shade - These sites never receive direct sunlight during any season of the year. These sites are not in the forest, but within the city where buildings, overhangs, and other man-made structures completely block sunlight year around. Sites under most trees will receive filtered sun during fall and winter months unless the trees are evergreen. Evergreen trees can provide deep shade if the branches and foliage are dense enough. Ground cover and shrub bamboo do fair in these planting sites.

How long will it take after I order to receive my bamboo?

Most orders placed before 12PM will ship that day. We ship 5 days per week all year. Most places in the U.S. takes from 1-5 days for delivery via UPS ground or FedEx. You can find more about shipping times here.

How to plant my new bamboo?

Please plant the new bamboo as soon as possible. If you cannot plant the bamboo within a day or two, just open the wrapping on the top of each root ball. Add 1 cup of water every two days until you can plant them. Provide plenty of light, but keep out of the direct sun so the root ball will not dry out completely until planted.

Handle your bamboo by the root ball only. Remove all packing material (tape and paper) from around the plant, being careful not to damage the root ball or any new shoots. If new shoots, limbs or foliage is broken, the bamboo will replace these.
Dig the hole at least 1/3 larger than the root ball. The larger the soil area you loosen up, the faster the bamboo will spread. Dig each planting site 2 to 6 inches deeper than the root ball size you have selected. Backfill your holes with good topsoil mixed with some composted material such as composted manure that any Gardening shop sells. In our area, this sells for around $2 for a 40lb. bag. This will help the rhizomes (roots) get off to a good start no matter what soil conditions you may have. Make a doughnut depression to help keep the water around the plant. Always mulch to help retain the moisture, add insulation and retard competitive growth.

Want more information on Fresh bamboo leaves for wrapping? Feel free to contact us.


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