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How to Identify Multilayer PCB with 5 Essential Tips for ...

Aug. 19, 2024

How to Identify Multilayer PCB with 5 Essential Tips for ...

How to Identify Multilayer PCB with 5 Essential Tips for Beginners?

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These types of PCBs offer a range of benefits. One of the most common reasons for using the multilayer PCB is the size. Because of the layered design, it means that the PCB will be smaller than other printed circuit boards but still have the same level of functionality. Most people today want their electronics to be smaller, while still being powerful. The multilayer PCB allows for this. These types of boards also happen to weigh less, which helps to reduce the overall weight of the gadgets in which they are used. However, the size is certainly not the only benefit.


In this passage, we are going to provide you the methods to identify the multilayer PCB. If you are going to learn the professional knowledge, please check and read the content for more.

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1.     What are the advantages of multilayer PCB?


·  Useful for more complex projects &#; Complex circuitry requires a multilayer PCB. Complex projects that need advanced equipment must-have tools with multilayer PCBs in them. Luckily enough, this is an easy thing for multilayer boards.

·  High quality. &#; Unlike single and double-layered PCBs, multilayer boards require intense planning and production. Therefore, it means that they are of the highest quality compared to other boards.

·  Increased power. &#; Based on increased circuit density that is characteristic of multilayer PCBs, this means that they are more powerful. Additionally, they run at very high speeds bringing about enhanced performance in equipment.

·  Higher durability &#; Multilayer PCBs are highly durable, partly due to their stack up.

·  Smaller in size and lighter in weight &#; More layers in a board mean thicker, hence durable. With more layers, such panels can effectively function in harsh conditions.

·  Single connection point. &#; If you use several PCB components, you would need several connection points. But this isn't the case with multilayer PCBs. Their design is to work with a single point of contact. With such, the system becomes simple, and the weight also reduces.

2.     What are the types of multilayer PCB?


Single-layer PCBs &#; It is one in which copper layer [thin] coating is on only one side of the board. On the other hand are connections of electrical components connected electrically.


Double layer PCBs &#; In this type of PCB, a thin layer of copper coating is on either side of the board. Drilled holes connect circuits of both parties.


Multi-layered PCBs &#; It is a series of 3 or more double-layered PCBs. Insulation is between each PCB. They are in place through powerful glue.


Rigid PCBs &#; These PCBs use rigid substrate, which does not twist. It comes in a single layer, double layer as well as multi-layer PCB.


Flexible PCBs &#; These PCBs use flexible substrate material. It also comes in a single layer, double layer as well as multi-layer PCB.

3.     What are the condiferations of multilayer PCB?


When considering how to determine PCB layers stackup, the best practices is to prioritize signal integrity. Signal integrity occurs when RF current generation is avoided with careful organization of the layers. RF currents are generated through unwanted impedances built in the material giving opportunity to generate common-mode currents. Common-mode currents are the primary source of RF energy. RF energy gets into the power distribution network or emits into free space as noise. Noise presents itself as reflections, ringing, or crosstalk.


The PCB layer stackup may be designed to incorporate features useful to maintaining signal integrity. Maximum capacitive decoupling in the power distribution network is achieved by placing power planes directly adjacent to ground planes in the layer stackup (see figure above). Signal planes should always have a ground plane adjacent in the PCB stackup. Including a ground plane next to each signal plane enhances flux cancellation and removes noise. Minimizing spacing between conductive layers increases flux cancellation.

4.     How to determine multilayer PCB through inspection?


Determine the number of PCB layers by inspecting the via holes or blind vias. The principle is mainly based on the use of the via hole technology in the circuit connection of the multilayer circuit board. We're able to determine the number of PCB layers, by identifying the vias.


On the single-sided PCB boards, the parts are concentrated on one side and the pins are concentrated on the other side. If a multilayer PCB is to be used, it is necessary to punch holes in the board so that the component pins can pass through the board to the other side, we can see that the pins of the parts are welded to the other side.


However, currently more complex buried via technology is used in the circuit board manufacturing; this type of vias is only used to connect couples of inner layers, and invisible on the PCB surfaces. So determining circuit board layers count by inspecting vias is easy-use but also limited.

5.     How to determine multilayer PCB with other methods?


For novices, it might be a little bit difficult identifying a multilayer board. So, how do you tell that your board has more than a single layer? Read below to understand:


Contact us to discuss your requirements of multilayer pcb design tips. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

·  Observe the PCB edge. &#; If you want to know whether your PCB is multilayered or not easily, observe its boundaries. The advantage of a multilayered PCB is slightly thicker.

·  View the copper surface under the flash. &#; The copper surface under the second layer in multilayer PCBs is thicker than those you can find in single-layered PCBs.

·  Use intense light to analyze the inner layer &#; If you use a bright light, you'll see if your board has some inner layers.

·  Observe the traces and paths. &#; The trails and tracks of single-layered PCBs differ from multilayer PCBs. For multilayer PCBs, you'll most definitely spot return signal paths.

Wanna know PCB knowledge? Check and read for more. 

PCB Layout - 6 Important Things to Consider When ...

PCB Layout-6 Important Things to Consider When Designing Your PCB

Did you know that almost every electronic circuit includes a PCB Layout? Designing a PCB can be intimidating, especially since it involves placing several electronic components and optimal routing within a tightly constrained space. In this era of the Internet of Things, the demand and complexity of PCBs keep growing every day. Knowing your way around a PCB layout is crucial to getting it right the first time.

This article discusses the six essential things to consider when designing your PCB which will include a choice of material and components, component placement, PCB stack-up, PCB via types, power, and thermal issues, and board constraints.

Table of Contents

Did you know that almost every electronic circuit includes a PCB Layout? In this era of the Internet of Things, the demand and complexity of PCBs keep growing every day. Designing a PCB can be intimidating, especially since placing several electronic components and optimal routing within a tightly constrained space. Knowing your way around a PCB layout is crucial to getting it right the first time.

This article discusses the six essential things to consider when designing your PCB, including a choice of material and components, component placement, PCB stack-up, PCB via types, power, thermal issues, and board constraints.

1. Material and Components

You must consider the material and components you plan to use for your print on the pertinent details; you must first define the functions the PCB will have to perform, the approximate size of the final product, the PCB&#;s interconnection with other circuits, and of course, its placement in the product.

Some materials can operate in extreme temperatures; others may fail and result in short-circuiting. For this reason, keep in mind the working temperature of the final product concerning the material and components you choose for your printed circuit board.

Finally, consider the cost and availability of the materials. If you settle for hard-to-find material, they may be expensive and time-consuming to locate, which will eventually delay assembling your PCB. Consider choosing a PCB supplier that can maintain a steady supply of the necessary components for your PCB. Other areas to consider include spare parts, repairs, and replacements.

2. PCB Layout Component Placement

Laying out components on the board requires a lot of problem-solving skills and creativity. Because everyone has a unique design perspective, your component placement will be unique from someone else&#;s idea.

Consider the manufacturing of the PCB because that is the end goal. For instance, like-minded components such as transistors should face the same direction when you place them for easier installation and inspection by the manufacturer.

Keep in mind the size and height of an individual component. Some components will be larger than others and may result in uneven bumps on the circuit board when placed next to each other. Some taller details may block shorter elements, and when the board is passed through the soldering oven to engrave the parts onto the board, it may return with poorly connected solder joints. Always consider the height and width of components on the board &#; details of similar dimensions can be placed towards one side of the board, ensuring the soldering wave reaches the smaller parts without being blocked.

Allow space for routing. If you place components too close together, you will run out of reach when you start routing. Integrated circuits, for example, have lots of pins to be connected around the board. To prevent running out of space and jumping over your design layout again, give enough room for components that require lots of pins to be connected to make the process easy.

3. PCB Layout Stack Up

PCB stack-up forms the foundation of the entire PCB. It involves the placement of insulating layers and copper layers. The stack comprises the various layers within the PCB and allows you to establish the characteristic impedances at each layer. The more layers the PCB has, the costlier it becomes.

Printed Circuit Boards have layers of different materials which are laminated together with an adhesive. The top layer is the silkscreen that adds other indicators such as letters and symbols to the board. The bottom layer is the FR4, and it gives the board its rigidity and thickness. The next one is the copper layer, followed by the solder mask that provides the PCB with its distinctive green color. Optimal multilayer stack up minimizes radiation and external noise. It also allows for enhanced electromagnetic compatibility of your design, keeps the cost within budget, and ensures efficiency in the manufacturing technique.

4. PCB layout Via Types

A PCB Via allows interconnections between different layers of the board. Vias may join traces, pads, and other conductive elements and provide the path for electrical and thermal energy moving from one layer to another. Since we drill holes through the board to create the vias, you must consider each hole&#;s placement and size concerning the other PCB components. For efficiency in the manufacturing process, it&#;s good to ensure all the vias on the board are of the same size.

5. Power And Thermal Issues

While getting component placement is crucial to the design, getting those components to work, you also need to consider power routing. Power and ground planes should be internal within your board and centered and symmetrical to prevent board twisting or bowing cases.

Thermal issues affect larger circuit boards with higher density and excessive processing speeds. To avoid such problems, your PCB must allow heat to dissipate. During the material selection, identify components generating a lot of heat and find ways of diverting heat from them. Surface space around parts that quickly become hot is a crucial layout design consideration because they&#;ll need space to cool off. You may consider including heat sinks, cooling fans, and thermal reliefs. Some places to add thermal reserves include through-hole vias to slow down the rate of heat sinking through the PCB layers.

It affects signal integrity. You should expect electrical problems such as electromagnetic interference in electronic devices. To ensure your PCB doesn&#;t cause such issues, avoid laying tracks parallel to each other. For records that must crossover each other, ensure they are at right angles to minimize capacitance and mutual inductance.

6. Board Constraints

First, depending on the purpose of the PCB you are designing, you must consider the size and shape of the board. The board is a primary component of the PCB because it holds all the other parts. Factors determining the size and shape of the PCB include the functionality and size of the destination product. For example, wearable products such as activity trackers require way smaller PCBs as compared to televisions.

Some products require PCBs with more circuits than the board can hold. In such situations, you may need to use multi-layer high density interconnect PCBs(HDI PCBs) that allow packing more functionality into a smaller area. High density interconnects increased levels of reliability because they have robust interconnection of stacked vias. Another advantage of HDI PCBs is ensuring electrical signals take less time to travel because of the components&#; proximity.

PCB layout Issues

PCB assembly stage. A well-designed board helps avoid running into PCB layout issues such as starved thermals, insufficient annular rings, missing solder masks, acid traps, etc. Starved thermals occur when thermal relief traces and associated copper planes are improperly connected. Missing solder masks are likely to occur in tightly spaced boards during the Bill Of Materials (BOM) of a PCB get fitted onto aboard. Acid traps can cause open circuits on a PCB board because of disconnection traces from their assigned nets. Missed drill hits cause Annular rings. It&#;s crucial to consider the in manufacturing PCBs; there are high chances of layout failures, which can go a long way into negatively affecting the final product&#;s functionality. There are several PCB layout rules to avoid such problems resulting in losses, bad prototypes, and time wastage.


This article discussed the various issues to consider when designing a printed circuit board and some problems a poorly designed PCB may cause. Some topics discussed include component placement, board constraints, PCB stack-up, material and components, power and thermal effects, and PCB via types.

To connect the various components of the PCB, we print conductive pathways on the board. Since the connections are internal, the complexity of the overall design is reduced tremendously. Elements such as integrated circuits, transistors, and resistors mount into the board through soldering.

PCBs are crucial to the functioning of IoT devices and graphics cards, motherboards, network interface cards, TVs, cellphones, tablets, and more. As technology continues to advance, so does the complexity of a PCB layout. With that said, getting the design right for production will pay off with a high-quality printed circuit board. Your end product should not only reliably work as expected but also stay within the budget. We hope this article guides you in reaching a good PCB layout.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website lead-free hasl.


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